Molokai Health Guide - 12 Tips for an Awesome, Eco-friendly Healing Retreat Vacation in Hawaii
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Molokai Health Talk 12 Tips for an Awesome, Eco-friendly Healing Retreat Vacation in Hawaii

12 Tips for an Awesome, Eco-friendly Healing Retreat Vacation in Hawaii

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  1. Do less, not more.
  2. Have at least one day where you have absolutely nothing planned, and let the whim of the moment and the magic of the island take you along.
  3. Eat local. Shop at the Farmer’s Markets, and patronize restaurants that use all-local ingredients. There’s something to be said for fueling your body with the elements directly from the island. And, if it’s not grown locally, the carbon footprint is huge; it’s been shipped or flown thousands of miles to get here.
  4. Stay out of the sun during peak hours. Between 11AM-3PM is a great time to schedule your healing appointments: life coaching, massage, sound healing, nutritional consultation, acupuncture, etc.
  5. Try a yoga session on the beach at sunrise or sunset. (Hire a yoga teacher who gives private lessons, if you don’t know yoga. You might learn something you can incorporate into your everyday life back home!)
  6. Sign up for the local email list so you can find out about fun local parties, concerts, and events you’d miss if you only listen to your hotel concierge. OAHU, MAUI, KAUAI & BIG ISLAND:’s own email list! See also: KAUAI - MAUI - join the email lists of or (You can always unsubscribe after your trip!)
  7. Pack a journal, and use it daily. You can’t solve a problem from the same mind that created it, and your healing vacation in Hawaii will most likely spark some amazing inspirations.
  8. Every island is a treasure trove of healing modalities. Schedule at least one appointment with a practitioner in private practice (not just a hotel spa employee). They’re likely to be long-time residents, and will be able to give you tips about your vacation you wouldn’t get elsewhere.
  9. Bring your own water bottle, shopping bag and containers & cutlery for to-go-food, and use them every day with pride that you’re preserving Hawaii’s cleanliness for future generations. Every article of trash that Hawaii’s millions of tourists per year leave stays in Hawaii. Make your personal legacy, however brief, a positive one!
  10. Give back to the land. Take a farm tour and ask if you can volunteer for a few hours.  Contribute to a local sustainability organization like,,,
  11. Give yourself a break from technology and constant interaction. For a healing retreat, you need time and space from your ordinary habits. Turn your cellphone off. Don't even bring your computer, if you can help it! Put an autoresponder on your email saying you're on personal retreat, and change your facebook status to "I'm in paradise. I'll fill you in when I get back!"
  12. Do something ridiculously FUN you’d never give yourself permission to do at home. Surf? Lay on your back at night and watch shooting stars? Build a sandcastle? Eat a big pile of sun-warned mangos with your bare hands? If your inner 5-year-old has a hankering, say YES.

Article contributed by Anandra George, a spiritual life coach who offers mantra meditation, private yoga instruction, and personal retreats on Kauai. 


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